Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Miracles and White Teeth go together like fall

I love this time of year, the air is cool and smells of burning wood and dead leaves. The colors on the trees are amazingly beautiful, like the hills are blazing. The harvest is coming in and there is plenty of natures bounty to be had and this is the time for black walnuts! I really had no interest in them until I learned about the beneficial properties they have for tooth remineralization.
Why would I be worried about remineralizing my teeth? Well for those who don't know, when I was two years old my Father worked in the York Galleria Mall on the second floor. My mom and I were leaving from visiting him, and were waiting for the elevator to take us to the ground level. Being two and all I decided to play hide-in-seek with my mom and backed into the corner beside the elevator, behind the large plant there. I squeezed back so far that I slipped though the guard railing and fell from the first story to the ground, smack on my face. It was really the working of the Lord, where it happened and when, because EMT's were right at the bottom of the elevator when I fell and I was taken to the hospital and cared for immediately. With all the possible life altering things that I could have taken away from my accident, all that I have is poor enamel on my teeth from them all being pushed back in my mouth. The Lord is so good! I have often thought that the Lord is not finished with me yet, I have been given another chance! October 11 is the anniversary of my fall and it also happens to be around the time when the black walnuts are getting ready! Pretty neat.
My Farmer and I have taken this tincture to help re-mineralize our teeth, we also think it whitens them too. Although I have had to take a break because of having babies and nursing (as it is not recommend during that time.) And you should not use it regularly for more than 6 weeks at a time, with out taking a break for a few weeks. It is really easy to make and has a variety of other uses as well. It is good for fungal infections (applied topically) and cleansing from parasites (taken internally.) All you do is use a tablespoon of tincture and swish in your mouth and swallow can be taken up to 4x per day. Gently brush teeth after use.

Black Walnut Tincture
You will need:
 Black walnuts, around 12 to fill a quart jar
Vegetable Glycerin
Quart jar with lid

First you want to make sure that the black walnut hulls are completely black, NO GREEN! The green could be toxic so do not use the green ones.

De-hull your walnuts an put the hulls in a quart mason jar, pack them in tightly.

Now fill the jar half way with vodka, and fill the the rest of the jar with the glycerin, to make a 50/50 mix.

Put the lid on and place in a cool, dark place for at least 2-4 weeks.

Strain out the hulls and bottle the tincture for future use.

Do be warned: your teeth may look black/gray when swishing! It will brush off though :)

To happy healthy smiles this holiday season!

The Farmer in the Dell

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